Version 0.03+

For more info, check out the ldjam page for this game: Ludum Dare 41

TCG aspect of the game is more or less done. There's a few bugs (such as cards being eaten with no action taken) but I'm not 100% sure how to fix it since I can't reproduce it consistently.
Working on the platformer aspect and level related stuff (loading, ending, scores, lives, etc).

Version 0.02

Card system, actionQueue, and endTurn all are working as best as I get them to do so.
Now I just need to figure out the deck system and the rest is simple platforming design (enemies, hazards, goals, timers, score, and so on) and a title menu.

Version 0.01

Progress so far on my game for Ludum Dare 41.
Card scripting, holding, and playarea are done so far.
Now working on a Input queue system to take the played cards as user input and a deck system for these cards.

Development log

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